Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Day 2 Week 3 S.L.J

                  Cracking The Code . . . .

For this it simple, all if have to do is have some fun! Try a
code website!  I think I went quite well on this, here is a photo of what I did. I rate this a 9 out of 10 because it was challenging and I enjoyed it and it was fun. I played a code where you had to code the characters to dance and you could make it look amazing!
You should try it, it called https://code.org/ , Try it!! Enjoy the rest of your holiday and happy new year. Blog ya later!!

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Chimay, how was your weekend?

    Thanks for completing week two, day two, activity three! I can see you’re putting a lot of effort into the SLJ activities, that is fantastic! I enjoyed looking at what you did on the coding website, it’s cute how the character has a peace sign on their shirt! What did you find fun about the activity?

    Have a great day and keep up the epic mahi!
    Eliza :)


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